How and when did your Yoga journey begin?
My yoga journey began ~12 years ago in college. My roommate at the time DRUG me to my first hot yoga class; I was immediately HOOKED! like many, the physical practice drew me in; but what i felt mentally and EMOTIONALLY kept my CURIOSITY hungry for more. Fast forward nearly 12 years and i own and operate a BEAUTIFUL yoga space in breckenridge. it’s funny where life can lead when we tap into our heart, truth and strength. yoga is a grounding force and place of reprieve for me. It's empowers me when I feel I'm losing my grip, and humbles me when i need it most. i’ve had the pleasure and the blessing to study with INCREDIBLE teachers around the globe. I’m so grateful for the OPPORTUNITY to continue to learn and evolve in this field of yoga and wellness and most enjoy sharing this passion with others.
What do you love most about teaching Yoga?
I love empowering others to witness and experience themselves through their mind, body and breath. Yoga is a process of awakening our inner intelligence; I love to witness people discovering their own inner power and inner resilience through different shapes and breathwork.
What style of Yoga do you most often teach?
Some days it's vinyasa; some days a slower pace and more alignment-based (but don't let that fool you, slow is hard!).
What does your personal Yoga practice look like?
Daily meditation + pranayama is my rock. I love a challenging asana practice too!
Who are your biggest Yoga inspirations?
Noah Maze and Rocky Heron are my biggest inspirations in the Yoga space. I've been countless hours in study and apprenticeship with these two. Their functional and creative approach always keeps me coming back. i also study quite a lot of ayurveda and have quite a few incredible teachers in that space as well. life is full of inspiration if you look for it.
Three words to describe your classes:
Strong. Intentional. steeped in grace.